
Showing posts with the label edward r murrow biography

Post-War Radio

Edward Murrow came home a changed man to a changed America. What now? That is the very same question millions of American, men and women, were asking themselves. Murrow helped transform news reporting just before and during the war and the things he saw and experienced changed him. Just as radio was forced to grow up rapidly, Murrow grew rapidly as a reporter. His broadcasts from Europe made him hugely popular at home in the United States but where was he to go from there?  - Old Radio Cat

Late Career

Immediately after World War 2, Murrow had several different job offers from academia to government. He eventually decided to stay at CBS as Vice President of CBS, Director of News and Public Affairs. This was in 1946, but by 1947, he discovered that pushing a pencil was not for him so he went back to what he From 1947 until 1961, Murrow worked as a news man. In addition to See It Now and This I Believe, he was a news analyst for CBS News, Person to Person , CBS Reports, Small World, and more. As with everything else in the world, nothing stays the same. Murrow had his ideas about how the news should run. It should be free from influence, from the network or sponsors, and you must always, always tell the truth. CBS corporate and sponsors chaffed at Murrow’s independence. He had no qualms about criticizing sponsors or his industry. As the television industry grew, the news divisions gave way to entertainment. The entertainment side of the business brought in the m